Announcing the KAPIHAN Callsign Database

Announcing the KAPIHAN Callsign Database - a tool that we can all utilize to search for information on stations who've checked into the KAPIHAN Network nets. It is limited to callsign, first name, club affiliation, city, state/province and country.

View the KAPIHAN Callsign Database >

If you have ever been checked into any of the KAPIHAN Network nets, you are on the database. If so, please take a look to see if your information is up to date and let me know if there are changes (or removal) that need to be made - N6DOZ Rudy n6doz@arrl.net. Thanks 7-3!


The information within the aforementioned database is an accumulation of data gathered during nets starting from 2019 up to the current day. We respect everyone's privacy and do not show any information that is not all ready public or was not given over the air.